QAnon conspiracists think that Kirstie Alley was killed because she was against vaccines: report

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Kirstie Alley, a star of “Cheers,” reportedly passed away on Monday after a brief illness. “We are heartbroken to inform you that our magnificent, feisty, and loving mother has died away after a struggle with cancer that was just recently detected,” her daughters True and Lillie Parker wrote in a statement.

But VICE News says that this explanation from her family did not satisfy the QAnon movement. This is a well-known group of people who believe an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that America is run by Satanists who eat children and traffic them. Many of them now think that Alley, who was very vocal about not wanting to get vaccinated, was killed because she didn’t want to get the COVID vaccines.

Cheers' star Kirstie Alley dies at 71, family says | CBS 17

Members of the QAnon message board the Great Awakening came to the opinion that Alley’s abrupt death was a glaring indication that her death was a component of a worldwide scheme to silence opponents of the COVID vaccinations, according to David Gilbert’s writing. “One member wrote, “I have no doubt that the [deep state] has a way to give people poisons that cause aggressive cancers.” Another person said, “She either got the short end of the stick, or the Deep State poisoned her for being a public Patriot.””

Alley had said in the past that she would “ignore” vaccine requirements until they could “stop me from getting COVID or stop you from getting it.” In fact, both of those things are done by the vaccines. Alley backed former President Donald Trump, and she has also shared QAnon content.

As the report said, the QAnon movement often blames the sudden death of a public figure on the COVID vaccines. This is due to the recent release of “Died Suddenly,” a debunked propaganda film made by people who don’t want people to get vaccines. Some believers now think that Alley was forced to get the shot to kill her because she was known not to have taken the vaccine.

“Some conspiracy theorists claimed that Alley would have been “forced” to have a vaccination since she had just joined the cast of The Masked Singer on extreme discussion forums and social media platforms like Truth Social, Gab, and Telegram. Others thought, without any proof, that she would have had to get a vaccine before her cancer could be treated “the report said.”According to a member of a Telegram conspiracy group, they phoned the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, where Alley was receiving treatment, to inquire about the admission requirements for COVID vaccines for patients. Although they didn’t hear back, they advised others to phone the hospital on Tuesday morning in an effort to do so. Can’t help but worry whether “they” managed to get her in some other manner, another group member commented.”

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