How to Prevent and Treat Common Health Issues in Exotic Bullies

exotic bully health
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If you are a proud owner of an exotic bully, you know that they are not just any ordinary dog. Exotic bullies are a unique breed with their own set of health issues. As a responsible pet owner, it is important to be aware of the common health problems that can affect your furry friend and take measures to prevent or treat them.


Exotic bullies have a tendency to gain weight easily due to their low metabolism and love for food. Obesity can lead to various health problems like heart disease, joint pain, respiratory disorders, diabetes and even cancer.

exotic bully

To prevent obesity in your bulldog, ensure that they get enough exercise daily which includes walks and playing outdoors. Avoid free feeding by giving them measured portions twice or thrice per day instead of leaving food out all day long.

Skin Allergies

The exotic bully is prone to skin allergies due to its sensitive skin. These allergies can range from mild rashes or itchiness on the skin surface all the way up severe infections which may need medical attention.

To cure this problem once it arises consider using topical treatments prescribed by vets like shampoos specially made for allergic dermatitis treatment as well as soft plastic cones such as Elizabethan collars so that they don’t disturb infected areas while receiving treatment from medications prescribed by veterinary doctors . Avoid using harsh chemicals on the dog’s skin surface when grooming since these may cause irritation or allergic reactions especially if one does not know how much will be enough for him/her without causing irritation .

exotic bully health

Breathing Difficulties

The breeding process used in creating exotic bullies has led them having smaller nostrils than other breeds.This poses a risk in their breathing process and may lead to snoring or snorting that indicate uncontrolled airflow in the respiratory passages.

This issue can be managed through keeping your pet away from dusty conditions or extreme temperatures that may cause them to have difficulties when breathing. Ensure they maintain a healthy weight as being overweight can exacerbate this problem. In more severe cases, surgery could be an option.

Eye Problems

Exotic bullies are prone to several eye problems such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, dry eyes and cherry eye. These health issues if not treated early enough can lead to permanent blindness which is very devastating both for the dog and its owner .

To prevent these issues from arising , ensure regular checkups at veterinary hospitals especially for those who play outside often since they are exposed to dust particles more frequently than indoor dogs . Avoid using harsh chemicals near your dog’s eyes when grooming them so as not cause any irritation which would result in infection like Conjunctivitis that requires anti-bacterial/anti-viral medication prescribed by vet doctors .

exotic bully health problems

Dental Issues

The exotic bully is also prone dental problems such as gum diseases due large teeth sizes compared with other dogs breeds making it difficult for proper cleaning during grooming sessions thus notorious for bad breaths that should never be ignored.

To prevent dental issues, ensure their teeth cleaned regularly through brushing after meals at least twice daily if possible using basic tools like toothbrushes designed specifically with soft bristles rather than steel ones which may damage their gums leading infections requiring antibiotics prescription only available from veterinary clinics or hospitals . Also give appropriate chew toys hence preventing boredom while strengthening oral muscles necessary towards healthier teeth maintenance over time..


It’s clear that Exotic bullies health problems can be managed through proper care and attention. Regular checkups with your vet, proper grooming, healthy eating habits and exercise should help keep these common health issues at bay. By paying close attention to your pet’s behavior and taking action when necessary, you can ensure that they live a long and healthy life.

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