Hey, school-aged kids and teens! We know how your mind works in the modern world, where you have access to smartphones, tablets, and computers at school. We know that when the teacher isn’t around, you quickly go to fun websites like Totally Science.
How come you don’t understand what Totally Science is?
All students should have access to places where they can have fun and play games, and they should be able to hide these games from the teacher with just a click of the mouse. But this site might not be as exciting for parents and teachers.
Kids have tried to trick their teachers for as long as there have been schools, which is thousands of years. Even during the most boring lectures, it’s in a child’s nature to try to make things fun. Some kids used to pass around “check yes or no” notes.
Others would play “war” by drawing tanks on a piece of paper and “shooting” their enemy by holding their pencil upright with the lead on the paper and pushing back on the pencil to make a line “shoot” toward the enemy. If you hit the enemy, you destroy their tank. If you don’t hit the enemy, they can either move out of range or shoot back.
But that was way back when. Kids today can use technology that wasn’t around in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, or even the early 2000s. Now that they do, Totally Science was made to be fun for kids while they were in school.
Students made Totally Science because they know what other students want from an unblocked games site. Totally Science is a website that lets students play games during school hours without getting caught. Teachers have another another concern.
In January 2022, Zach Yadegari came up with the idea for Totally Science. The website has more than 100 unblocked games and many unblocked proxy apps, such as YouTube, Discord, TikTok, Google, Twitch, Spotify, Netflix, and Github, to name a few.
The site is set up so that students can play games with their friends or by themselves. The best part is that students don’t need to install any extra software or plugins—everything works right from the website.
Also, the people who made Totally Science made it easy for students to find them. They have made more than 15 different domain names that students can use to go straight to their site. Some domain names are definitelyscience.com, literallyhistory.org, spanishstudy.co, and studymathteacher.com. Here, you can see the full list of domain names.
So, you might be wondering what kinds of games students can play on Totally Science. Well, we’re not going to lie, as the website and games are free, they are not the best quality. So, don’t think you’ll be able to play games that are as good as Xbox S or PS5, since those games need resources that most phones or school computers won’t have.
There are many different kinds of games at Totally Science, such as sports, shooters, racing, and intelligence games. They are also built on platforms like HTML5, Unity, and many others. It’s a long list of games, some of which are well-known and some of which aren’t. We’ll talk about some of the best-known games and how to find them.
When students go to the Totally Science website, they will see buttons for a number of games they can play. They can see ALL games or have their choices broken down into NEW, POPULAR, and 2 PLAYER games. Students can also choose what kind of game they want to play, like CAR, STICKMAN, CARD, SPORT, or PUZZLE. In the picture below, you can see all of your choices.
As for the games themselves, you can choose from a number of well-known ones. Some of them are:
MINECRAFT – Totally Science has Minecraft, which is one of the most popular games in the world. Players in this game can build, craft, fight, and find raw materials in order to build their own world. The only goals of the game are to build and stay alive, but it has become a very popular one.
In BASKETBALL STARS, players can pick their favourite player from their favourite team and play one-on-one against the computer or a real person. Players will use keyboard buttons to make their player shoot, dribble, jump, block shots, and dunk.
Think of Smash Karts as Mario Kart without Mario and with very simple graphics. Trying to keep yourself busy in class can be hard, but this type of racing game can be very fun. It’s a simple racing game where you pick your car and driver and then go as fast as you can around the racetracks.
RETRO BOWL is a football game with 8-bit graphics and controls that look and feel like Tecmo Bowl. In this game, players get to be the general manager of the team and also run the offence. Since EA owns the rights to the NFL team names, Retro Bowl only has teams that look like those in the NFL.
First of all, the interface of Totally Science is easy to use. When you go to their website, you will see tabs like games, leaderboard, chat, and apps in the upper left corner. On the upper right, there are links to Discord and TikTok, as well as buttons for your profile and settings.
The landing page for Totally Science then shows you some popular games, but the important information is below those. Here, Totally Science tells you how to get back to your classroom page after playing a game. They make it easy by telling you to just press the tilde key, which is the key next to the number 1 and below the ESC key in the upper left corner of your keyboard. This will take you back to your classroom page.
It’s not clear whether Totally Science is good for students or not. What’s not up for debate, though, is how much fun students can have on their phones, laptops, and computers, whether they’re in class or trying to kill time at recess or lunch. They have games for all kinds of players, just don’t get caught.